Information About Clearwater Drive-In
16 and up $11
13 to 15 $8
9 to 12 $6
8 and under free
Payment is cash only. Debit/Credit cards NOT accepted. For your convenience, there is a 24-hr ATM at the Prairie Centre Credit Union, Kyle Branch located at the corner of Railway Ave. & Centre St. in Kyle.
All vehicle lights must be off during the movie, even park lights & LED’s. Every vehicle is different, so please google or check the owner’s manual for tips on how to keep your lights off while the key is engaged for the radio. Some newer vehicles will not allow for this – bring some blankets to cover your front and rear lights so other customers are not bothered. You may also bring a portable FM radio so you don’t need to turn your key at all. We have a limited supply of radios at the concession ($2.00 non-refundable fee per radio), but if you bring your own, you’re always guaranteed to have one if you need it.
If you’re bringing someone else’s vehicle, please know ahead of time how to turn the lights off – check it out before you come. If you will need assistance, please arrive early so we have time to help you before the movie starts.
*Shows are subject to change without notice.
*Movies are NOT shown in 3D—digital format only.
Our Concession serves delicious buttered popcorn, confectionery & soft drinks.
Don’t miss out on this fun and unique experience!

16 and up $11
13 to 15 $8
9 to 12 $6
8 and under free
Payment is cash only. Debit/Credit cards NOT accepted. For your convenience, there is a 24-hr ATM at the Prairie Centre Credit Union, Kyle Branch located at the corner of Railway Ave. & Centre St. in Kyle.
All vehicle lights must be off during the movie, even park lights & LED’s. Every vehicle is different, so please google or check the owner’s manual for tips on how to keep your lights off while the key is engaged for the radio. Some newer vehicles will not allow for this – bring some blankets to cover your front and rear lights so other customers are not bothered. You may also bring a portable FM radio so you don’t need to turn your key at all. We have a limited supply of radios at the concession ($2.00 non-refundable fee per radio), but if you bring your own, you’re always guaranteed to have one if you need it.
If you’re bringing someone else’s vehicle, please know ahead of time how to turn the lights off – check it out before you come. If you will need assistance, please arrive early so we have time to help you before the movie starts.
*Shows are subject to change without notice.
*Movies are NOT shown in 3D—digital format only.
Our Concession serves delicious buttered popcorn, confectionery & soft drinks.
Don’t miss out on this fun and unique experience!